• Member Since 14th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago


A young adult whom has been getting and trying ideas for fanfictions...

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So... I finally did it... · 6:01am Jun 7th, 2018

I decided to join into the bandwagon that everyone calls Patreon, to maybe earn some extra cash.

If you want to, you can support me in my current endeavours and I can probably get this stuff out faster and some other projects I have planned for the future.

Here's the link for those of you who are either curious or want to support me: https://www.patreon.com/TheUltimateBrony

[EDIT]: I won't force you to support me, just to at least look and see what you think.

Read It Later

Comments ( 134 )
  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134

Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save you, and guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

That's for adding Stay Tuned to your favorites list. I means a lot to see you enjoy it so much :twilightblush:

Yours is a diamond in the rough in the making, I can't wait to see it more polished as it goes on.

Thanks for favoring Spike's Kingdom

  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134
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