• Member Since 26th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2023


Pretty chill guy who's on here for fun, but if I post something, just give me feedback please. That's all I ask

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Reign Update · 10:33pm Nov 7th, 2019

Hey guys and gals! Scourge here, How are all of you feeling? Anywho, I will like to say thank you to all of you who are reading my HIE story Reign. I know some of you dislike but not really telling me what's wrong with it. The most criticism I've gotten is that I'm too wordy, repetitive, and I have a few typos here and there. Other than that, most people are starting to enjoy my story. Now the ratings...could be better cause I know if the red bar dominates the green bar I'm going to have to

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Report Scourge21 · 368 views · Story: REIGN ·
Comments ( 370 )
  • Viewing 366 - 370 of 370

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, my friend!

No problemo bud :twilightsmile:

:trollestia: Thanks for the follow, mate!

  • Viewing 366 - 370 of 370
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