• Member Since 13th Mar, 2017
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Raccoon Writer

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


The Tales of the Rusted Monster · 2:53am Aug 8th, 2023

That's the placeholder title I am using for the sequel to Evil. Hopefully it turns out good, or at the very very least not shite. It's gonna be a while, given the fact I have to work more to make ends meet at the moment. I'm not about to ask for money, my work is decent but not anywhere near decent enough to be asking for cash in order to work on it. It'll come out when it comes out, and it'll update when it updates, which all depends on

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Report Raccoon Writer · 103 views · Story: Evil ·

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List of things I want to do, or already do here

What I do here already:

I edit stuff.
I comment a lot.
I act crazy.

What I want to do here:

Write a Story.
Collab (I think thats how to say it) With another writer to make a story with mine, and their characters.
Figure out how Pinkie Pie works He'll never figure it out!

Comments ( 81 )
  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81

Thanks for adding Caught in the Rain to your favorites. it means a lot that you enjoyed it so much

Thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for having added my more.. Hmm, let's say mature romance story, The Return of Anon, to your favorites. I'll hope you you keep enjoying it. :heart::rainbowkiss:

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:

Thank you for Favoriting and liking Skeletor, Master of The Empire. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far.

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