Not dead. · 4:00am May 13th, 2024
Alright update time for those still paying attention. I am still planning to continue a lot of stories here, however my muse has got me over at Spacebattles writing a WORM GIJoe fic..... yeah it's as weird as it sounds. I do plan to try and knock out a couple of TGaP and prolly a Rock Type before the end of the month though.
Sadly my interest in it is all but gone. I've got an outline of the next chapter but i'm torn between trying to push through it and canceling it.
When will you update graveyard shift? or wattpad It is orange with a W
Message me a link to the site i wanna have a look at it first.
I can always put it on my account, but To give you the credit If you don’t mind