• Member Since 10th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I love sporks. And I love soup. Those two things unfortunately don't go together very well.

Stupid Facts About Me

- I actually really like sporks in real life. I even have a little collection. My favorite is a stainless steel one with a wide scoop and thin prongs.

- I also actually really love soups. My favorite is beef and mushrooms. I make it whenever I can afford it.

- Am a Half-Chinese living in Asia. The other half of me is European, also living in Asia. What a coincidence!

- Am really prudish in real life except among close friends. And yet an incredible pervert online. Shh.

- Am a huge Anglophile. I have to actively change all my spelling to American English while on this site. My favorite comedy is Yes, Prime Minister.

Blog Posts

  • 311 weeks
    More Drunk Sex Party from PrincessColumbia

    Sorry I haven't been around, everyone. Been busy in Real Life!

    Anyway, PrincessColumbia has written a sequel to their sequel of Class Reunion, entitled Whom Gods Deflower! It's pretty amusing, so check it out!

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    5 comments · 886 views
  • 361 weeks
    Fan Sequel to "The Consequences of Good Intentions"

    Hey. Apparently, the story that PrincessColumbia wrote in the comments of "Sunset Shimmer's Very Respectable Class Reunion" and published , has its own story-in-the-comments written by chris the cynic!

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    0 comments · 965 views
  • 372 weeks
    I am SUCH a stupid idiot!

    Earlier today, I posted a new chapter of Walk into a Bar. In fact, I published two chapters; I had a side chapter for “Drinking Stories” which I liked very much. But I made two very very stupid mistakes.

    1) I accidentally hit the publish button while editing, putting up the chapters long before my prereader (Sorry, FanOfMostEverything) had a chance to look at it. And because I didn’t want to get in trouble for unpublishing and republishing the same chapter, I let them stay up.

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    15 comments · 1,192 views
  • 372 weeks
    A bug kicked my story off the feature box...

    This morning, I woke up and noticed that Walk into a Bar has dropped off the feature box. At first I thought, “Oh well, it was due to go sooner or later”, even if it seemed strange that other stories of the same age and rating were still up.

    Then, about five minutes ago I checked the story statistics.

    Story rating: 163,000+.

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    13 comments · 956 views

More Drunk Sex Party from PrincessColumbia · 3:46pm Aug 8th, 2018

Sorry I haven't been around, everyone. Been busy in Real Life!

Anyway, PrincessColumbia has written a sequel to their sequel of Class Reunion, entitled Whom Gods Deflower! It's pretty amusing, so check it out!

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Report Sporktacles · 886 views ·

Stuff I Wrote

Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135

Random bucket list goal: try your beef and mushroom soup. Except I hate mushrooms so I'll probably fish them out and give them to you.

I sees yous followed me. I shalt follow right back :D

Congratulations, you have earned a spot on The List!


Your story, A Princess, a Magician, and an Exile Walk Into a Bar, was considered worthy of spreading around to as large an audience as possible. The blog post explaining why can be found here.

  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135
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