A little bit about me.
Name: The Voice in the Water (TVW for short if you want)
Occupation: Biologist (Botany)
Favorite cold drink: Gravenstein Apple Cider (non-alcoholic) or good horchata
Favorite hot drink: Yerba Mate
Preferred level of spiciness in food: Between gargling thermite and burning napalm.
Preferred music: Hard Rock, Industrial, New Age, World, Classic Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical
– Current favorite artists: Pop Evil, Halestorm, Blackmore's Night, Loreena McKennitt, Lindsey Stirling, Rise Against
Hobbies: Video-games, nature photography, hiking, writing & drawing (infrequently, but would like to do more often), being a curmudgeonly, snarky bastard.
Currently playing: Monster Hunter: World
Top 5 Favorite MLP characters:
1 - Sunset Shimmer
2 - Sci-Twi
3 - Princess Twilight Sparkle
4 - Grogar
5 - Mirror King Sombra
Top 5 Favorite MLP ships:
1 & 2 SunLight (Tie between Princess or SciTwi)
3 - RariJack
4 - Mirror Sombra x Celestia
5 - CheesePie
How was I not following you already? My brain lapses sometimes apparently.
Thanks for sharing. I've actually got a lot of notes on how Selenia's economy and society work. Some of what you suggested was close, while some is pretty far off.
* Most trade with allies and foreigners is done through barter, rather than coinage. If they were to mint coins, they would be Selenian coins, and might not have value to their allies and trading partners. So, it instead falls on the merchant's guild to negotiate trade of goods for goods.
* Internally, every individual has a sort of "status mark" provided by the Selenian's shared dream. Individuals with high status are given access to higher value resources. How much one can take is based on a lunar monthly resource allowance that is tracked both through the shared dream, and a physical ledger that must be signed and stamped by the merchant providing the goods/service. Allowances do not accumulate, so any unspent resource allowances are lost at the end of each lunar cycle.
* Family units are completely non-existent, as is the concept of marriage. When a child is born, they are taken by the state and raised in a communal home by caretakers. In place of a family-unit, one's social circle is the closest thing the Selenian's have to family. To avoid infighting among their friends, Selenians tend to develop bonds between people outside their guilds, because anyone inside your guild is a potential rival for status. Relationships tend to be fairly fluid, though it is considered in bad taste for relationships to occur between individuals of vastly different statuses.
* You're pretty spot on with the "do more with less" part of guild politics.
* The making and giving away gifts is an interesting thought. Though, by the nature of their economy and society, there is a taboo against someone of higher status gifting someone of lower status something they didn't have the status to own. Conversely, providing someone of higher status with such gifts, particularly well made ones, is a good way to build status. The one exception to this is sharing food with close friends who are only a few degrees of status removed from oneself.
* Again, I like the idea, but Night's Song itself is purely above ground for one reason: the night-weavers can't see the sky from underground. Much like the sun-gazers, the night-weavers love to see Luna's moon and stars in the sky, as they're a visible manifestation of Luna's domain and gifts. Though, nothing says that Night's Song can't have subterranean elements to it. Especially the residential elements, since it would keep them "safe" from the sun's light (night-weavers have very light-sensitive eyes).
You've mentioned in the comments on Phoenixborn that Lunaria is in many ways the direct opposite of Solaria. A cashless society divided along the lines of artisan guilds (metalworking, woodworking, farming, ranching, etc.). I had a few ideas on how such a society could reasonably function and wanted to share them with you. I wasn't sure where to put it so I'm putting it here. Still absolutely loving your work and universe, it's frustrating and wonderful in all of the right ways!
* Lunaria does not use currency internally, though it does mint coins for trade with foreign nations and allies. Internally, these are treated as promissory notes and are only really seen on border towns.
* Reputation is everything in society. The greater your reputation, the greater your standing and thus the powers and privileges you are able to enjoy.
* Family units exist but there is a strong social stigma against using them for social gain. Your family's reputation is not your reputation. People who attempt to trade on their ancestors' work are looked down on and often ostracized.
* Harvested materials are deposited in a centralized banking system overseen by one of Luna's chosen. Citizens are free to make withdrawals of required materials at any time.
* There is a strong social taboo against waste and fraud. More valuable materials are held in reserve for individuals with greater clout. IE: A common citizen cannot walk into a bank and withdraw a dozen bars of gold. At least not without approval from someone of relevant authority such as the head of the goldsmithing guild.
* An extensive schooling system exists, designed to gravitate students toward their calling and determine skill sets. Numerous competitions are held so students have the opportunity to impress and win coveted apprenticeships with various masters.
* Each of the guilds is also tasked with overseeing certain functions of society. Plumbing, roads, law enforcement, etc. In keeping with society's emphasis on personal achievement, the guilds foster a spirited competition of who can do their job best with fewest resources. The smaller a guild's budget (relatively speaking), the better they are assumed to be at their task.
* There is a minor taboo against crafting luxuries for one's self. Instead, a particularly impressive piece is expected to be given away as a gift to a respected colleague, a lover, and so on. Thus it can be assumed that a person with a great deal of 'wealth' is not only impressively skilled but also highly popular.
* I also had a minor idea about the city being largely underground in caverns of natural crystal in all the colors of the rainbow. The caverns ring constantly with the starsingers' songs. Sustained and amplified by the magic of the crystals, voices from centuries past still echoing in the chorus of their descendants.
Thx for adding my story to your bookshelf!