Twilight is ready for another normal day at Canterlot Academy. Unfortunately, a certain pink-haired girl has other plans. Those plans involve appearing in Twilight's room claiming to be her "fairy godmother". Her mission? To make sure that Twilight hooks up with her one true love and lives happily ever after.
However, Twilight isn't too interested in living "happily ever after". She just wants to get on with her day. But that's alright. All she really needs is a little fairy magic.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing this was really good I hope there will be a sequel to this.
I was giggling until the end. It was a sweet piece of those that I haven't seen in a while

Keep up the good work!
Goddammit, Pinkie.
This was cute and fun. Was t sure if pinkie was real or not myself
This was hilarious and adorable too. Very well done!
a pinkie pie has far far more abilities than a silly fairy godmother fairy godmotthers have to fallow at least some of the laws of physics
Well this was brilliant
Magnificent, adorable Sunlight, with some truly top-notch Pinkie antics. Thank you for it.
That was hysterical! XD And the way you write Twilight is so good! I love this.
Pfft. LOL. Twilight being the voice of reason...
COMRADES IN CALCULUS. Forget wars and violence, it is Calculus that is the most dangerous of all.
So, first off, that was frackin' adorable. Like, full on Twiabetes level cute. Neurotic Twiggles pining over Sunny was just great. And fairly godmother Pinkie was great.
Then I got to the end, and, frankly, that took a turn for the creepy. Don't get me wrong, that was a perfectly Pinkie thing to do, but since this sounded like a completely human world, Pinkie basically broke into Twi's room, and, from the way she knew that Twi's been pining for Sunny, sounds like she's been borderline stalking her. That's… honestly a bit disconcerting.
Eh, we get SciSet in the end, so all's well that ends well.
This story, while adorable, doesn't belong in the Twilight x Pinkie folder. This is SunLight, not TwiPie.