• Member Since 24th May, 2019
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


An author slowly going mad from the tale that has taken over their life. News at 11. Now Accepting Tips in my Tip Jar!

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  • 6 days
    Spreading the word for a friend.

    Hey gang. Figured it couldnt hurt to do this.

    So the artist who did my cover, LZjian79...She had someone break in and steal her phone while she was sleeping today. Her phone, which is what she does all her art on--which means thats how she makes her money to pay her bills. And she doesnt have the cash to just buy a new phone.

    As such, she's thrown up a request for help in spreading the word and in asking for donations to help her get a new phone ASAP.

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    4 comments · 193 views
  • 6 weeks
    In Honor of Pride Month, I Present Rainbows, Art, and Teasers!

    Hey gang,

    So. Its June. Pride month. Hooray, rainbows everywhere!

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    0 comments · 557 views
  • 7 weeks
    No Chapter This Week, Sorry gang!

    Sorry about the late notice, but its been a bit of a week here. Two of the three members of the Rubicon team are down with illness and injury, and I'm having a bit of an issue with some uncooperative weather affecting my pain levels. I had hoped to still get this week's chapter edited and posted, but after talking last night with the other two, we decided you deserved better than the half-assed efforts of three people who are half dead from pain and misery.

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    6 comments · 252 views
  • 39 weeks
    We have a cover!

    So I mentioned before that I was getting a cover done for the story. Well, its done, and holy shit, it is everything I imagined and more.

    Check this out, ladies and gents!

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    8 comments · 532 views
  • 58 weeks
    Chapter Delay: Minor Pet Emergency

    Hey gang.

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    3 comments · 296 views

Spreading the word for a friend. · 11:15pm 6 days ago

Hey gang. Figured it couldnt hurt to do this.

So the artist who did my cover, LZjian79...She had someone break in and steal her phone while she was sleeping today. Her phone, which is what she does all her art on--which means thats how she makes her money to pay her bills. And she doesnt have the cash to just buy a new phone.

As such, she's thrown up a request for help in spreading the word and in asking for donations to help her get a new phone ASAP.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thanks for watching me!

Nobody has posted here in two years, gotta fix that!

Your Crossing story is just really great, finally sat down and read most of it and have gotten through it within a week and a half, really looking forward to seeing this continue!

Welcome to the A/B Testing group :yay: Let us know if you have any questions!

A favourite! It's been many moons since I have had one. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed my fic!!

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