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Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor. by bigbear 100,931 words · 436 · 11
The Last Days Of The Kingdom of Equestria A griffon interviews a grown Spike on the last days of the Kingdom of Equestria, and his personal relationship with his mentor, the nation’s greatest villain. by bigbear 2,152 words · 253 · 9
Nopony Can Do That! Join the Mane 6 on an adventure that starts in Ponyville, and leads beyond the bounds of Equestria! What kinds of chaos occurs when the fate of all is on the line and one of them can suddenly do things nopony has ever done before? by bigbear 27,356 words · 37 · 1
The Princess Move Twilight leaves her royal status behind when she visits Sunset and the girls in the mirror world. So what is the Princess Move and why is Spike so worked up about it? by bigbear 2,945 words · 129 · 3
Some of my favorites from my own writing. Nopony Can Do That! is the sleeper on the list.
- Rambling Writer · 3.7k words · 883 6 · 8.9k views
Stumbled upon your page, and noticed that your tagline mentioned you like OP Ponies... I've got an anthology story that has a 10k word chapter about Princess Celestia beating up a cyborg, a mutant vampire, an angel, and two demons in a 1v5, if you're interested in reading that...
Fun fact:
Cheers for the fav.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!