• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2013



Allons-y! I think... · 10:35pm Jun 20th, 2013

Sup guys.

It's been a while so I wanted to post an update.

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Hey there. I don't know what made you do it but thanks for the follow. :pinkiehappy:

Hay. Giving a heads up. Posting from phone. Not at the destination yet. Might take a few more days. Still interested in helping out, but que sera, sera. Yes, traveling by horse through these storms.

Not really, but still time consuming to get... In the right setup.

Thank you kindly for the favorite! I really appreciate it! :rainbowkiss:

I don't have to wait for chapters anymore!
I have a time machine!

Thank you for, 15 weeks ago, taking the time to read my story. I apologize for taking so long to express this; I'm just socially/internetly inept. I hope that I can keep you entertained for the whole ride.

Thank you, truly, for reading.

(and don't worry: Dew is getting more screentime; it'll just take a bit of setup)

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