• Member Since 1st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th

Silver Scrolls


A mistake and an apology · 6:03am Mar 19th, 2018

To those who have read the first chapter of In the Shade of Time, I apologize. It was pointed out to me that I didn't post the full first chapter. I have upload the rest of the chapter so I encourage you to reread it. That is all, thank you for listening and being interested in my story

Report Silver Scrolls · 401 views · Story: In The Shade of Time ·

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Comments ( 36 )
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Thank you for the bookshelf add.

Thanks for reading, voting, and declaring my story a good read! I hope you enjoy more of my work too! C:

Thank you for the bookshelf add.

Thank you for the fave!

Thank you for adding "The Reality I Choose" to your list of "Good Reads!" I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

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