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The Spell to Happiness When Twilight discovers an invisibility spell, she finds out some interesting news about Rainbow Dash. by ScientistTrixie 43,407 words · 845 · 37
Luna's Apprentice Princess Luna and Trixie Lulamoon have both made mistakes in the past, mistakes that have made them outcast in Equestria. Now that Luna has taken Trixie as her student, they will work together to show Equestria their true potential! by ScientistTrixie 80,461 words · 296 · 21
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Chapter is in the works! · 10:18pm Jul 5th, 2020
I'm working on the next bit, I have been sick and out of work for a week now though so work has been non-existent! It is still coming though!
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When did you change your name?
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
It's been about four years since you mentioned writing a new TwiDash story for us all, bro. I mean, just look at my old comment haha:
Just read the end of Spell too Happiness and I have to say, quote me on this, that was a story to happiness. I loved it