• Member Since 30th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2018



What if God Were One of Us--New Author Continuing · 6:20pm Aug 30th, 2013

I posted a little while ago that I was cancelling some of my stories.
A new author, chaos2012, has offered to take over What If God Were One of Us (Celestia becomes an Earth Pony)
I'll post a link to the new version off of my original tale. Thank you, Celestia and Luna bless,

Report PinkamenaPiePrincess · 1,077 views ·

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Comments ( 13 )
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I hope you come back to writing stories that youbleft behind,especially A Ponyville Secret! It's so good!:twilightsmile:

1846037 they were last online the same day you asked that...

This Warrior of Light has joined the party! Lead the way!:twistnerd:

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