• Member Since 13th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I like things, Spaceships, 100 ton Battlemechs and cute ponies using them.


WHOOO NEW YEAR! · 6:09am Jan 1st, 2015

....To all 15 of you. (seriously why are you watching me? its making me want to write a story or something.)

Report katarjin · 575 views ·
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  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236

And thank you for the latest fav on It's Only Coffee. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the fave on can I have a hug please?

Hello there, I am glad you enjoy my stories, thanks for the upvotes:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on "More Than Just a Friend"!

  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236
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