• Member Since 20th Apr, 2016
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Azure Drache

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Hey, puplished a new chapter, just letting you know ;) · 9:41pm November 6th

[Adult story embed hidden]

Now, when I am looking back where I planned this to have 7 chapters at most... anyway... back to write chapter 30 :pinkiecrazy: Also we are near 200k words now, woho! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 89 )
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Lovely :twilightsmile: I will comment on it when I am back home:pinkiecrazy:

Heh thanks. :p

True, true it is but a short time for one old as you. 😋

Happy anniversary:trollestia:

Also, one year is nothing in the live of a 4000+ years old dragon:rainbowwild:

Mmhmmm I mean we have known each other what, almost a year if not longer now? XD *giggles*

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