• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 6th, 2023

New Fossil Studios

I'm just your basic comic book, anime, cartoon, and book fanatic with a lot of unique and creative ideas. I'm always free to chat and would love to make friends and exchange ideas. PS: I'm Muslim

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What if Willpower is Literally Humanity's Special Trait? · 9:51pm Apr 23rd, 2022

So, you guys know how whenever there's a fantastical setting with Dragons, Elves, and whatnot, and each species/race has a special trait that only they have? Dragons typically have immortality and immense magic, Elves typically have a deep and spiritual connection to nature, Dwarves are known for being barbaric blacksmiths, and so on and so forth. And how in each of these settings, humanity's special trait is that they have the perseverance and willpower to stand among their contemporaries

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Report New Fossil Studios · 162 views ·
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Thanks for the follow!

Thank you so much for adding Colt Detective to your favorites! Been working on it for a year, so I hope you will enjoy the upcoming cases of Clue Chaser! :eeyup:

Thanks for the watch! May I ask what piqued your interest?

thank you for the watch

Saw you comment on a couple of threads and blog posts of other users and wanted to keep watch so I can read your stories.

  • Viewing 151 - 155 of 155
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