• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen July 18th


A brony living in the states that really likes Fallout.



Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 271 )

Silly Luna. Why not buy all of the plushies in the world, and spend less money then running the school?

Simple! Make them be Hurricangers!

Hmm. Not sure if this is really a Lunaverse story (the Lunaverse isn't for any Luna-Stayed-Sane-Celestia-Went-Mad story, it's a specific universe), but...color me interested all the same.

5651281 I noticed that shortly after adding it to your group, sorry about that. :derpyderp1::facehoof:
I'll remove it if you'd like.

Well, it's actually closer than most of the stuff that normally accidentally gets added to the Lunaverse. Like, Luna wearing glasses that she doesn't strictly need but still enjoys wearing, for example. Or actually being in charge of Equestria (sometimes people just put in any old story that has Luna as a main character).

I know it's not a Lunaverse fanfiction, but if you like - so as to keep its exposure up - I wouldn't mind putting it in the Lunaverse's "general fanfiction" folder.


I know it's not a Lunaverse fanfiction, but if you like - so as to keep its exposure up - I wouldn't mind putting it in the Lunaverse's "general fanfiction" folder.

Really!?:pinkiegasp: I'd love the exposure! Thank you so much, I'm really glad it's peaked your interest! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I like the premise of the story Luna taking on three students. It's unique and has the potential to allow for interesting dynamics. Speaking of which, I like that all three girls have differing personalities making them all feel wholly different form one another.


Speaking of which, I like that all three girls have differing personalities making them all feel wholly different form one another.

Glad to hear it! It wouldn't be as dynamic if Trixie and Sunset were too similar. Good thing filly Trixie is as cute as a button~!:trixieshiftleft: :twilightblush:

Twilight Sparkle. She has the spark of a real genius! And she's got determination, a great deal of it, enough to make up for her lacking magic!

Determination is one of sunset's defining character traits, and very likely her special talent.
"Never gonna bring me down, never gonna break this part of me" are literally the first words of her character song.
Whereas Twilight is constantly, constantly plagued by self doubt. Self Doubt being one of her defining features.

But anyways, i want to see where this goes.

And hey, if plan three apprentices doesn't work Luna, you can just beat the crap out of your sister. It's not like she'll have the elements.

5652219 Self doubt is a defining attribute for Twilight. Its also implied several times in the chapter. Determination, i believe, is also a defining attribute for her. Think of the flack she went through to find an answer that didn't exist: Feeling Pinkie Keen. Or how she tries to find a friendship problem to write to Celestia about. I'm not saying Twilight is more determined than Sunset, just, in the context given, Luna saw Twilight as more determined. MLP has a lot of very determined characters, its pretty awesome! Also, phone written comments are the worst.


Self doubt is a difining atribute for Twilight. Its also implied several times in the chapter. Determination, i believe, is also a defining atribute for her.

One can't really be defined by both Determination and the Absence of it.

Think of the flack she went through to find an answer that didnt exist: Feeling Pinkie Keen.

That's because of her obsessive pursuit of knowledge at the expense of wisdom.

Or how she trys to find a friendship problem to write to Celestia about.

That's really her self doubt manifesting itself.

MLP has a lot of very determined characters, its pretty awesome!

I'd strongly disagree, most characters are strongly defined by how they bend and break, and that makes for entertaining fiction.
I mean look at the discord episode, four of the mane six fall from their greatest virtue trivially, and twilight doesn't even have to be goaded into it she does it to herself no longer believing in the magic of friendship.

Also, phone written comments are the worst.

My sympathies man.

5652556 Your kung-fu is stronger. Still, I'm glad for your thoughts on the matter, and hope I don't disappoint you with the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

It's a very promising story, the characters are adorable, and I'm looing forward to read the rest. :pinkiesmile:

As for the discussion below, I think there are many ways to came to the same result. For example, the adult Trixie and Sunset are similar in their desire to take the stage, but their motivations are profoundly different, for Sunset is the need to shine, for Trixie is the fear to disappear.
Sunset and Twilight are both very determined, but they are in different ways. Sunset is self-confident and determined, and Twilight is insecure and determined, since self-confidence and determination are not synonyms (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Mycroft Holmes is an example of a character that's completely self-confident and absolutely irresolute), and insecurity and determination are not contraries.
Sunset's determination is fuelled by her conviction to be up to the task, while Twilight's is fuelled by her fear of not to be.
In a certain sense, Sunset's determination is more "sane". That of Twilight is supported not by self-confidence, but by pure will, and has something maniacal in it, as several episodes show (Lesson Zero, It's About Time...). But Twilight is definitely one that would try to carry on a spell until exhausting her forces and fainting.

Should you write more than just this story, by the by, might I suggest the name "Trioverse"?

Hmm. Something just occured to me: no Rainboom in this setting, at least not from the look of things. I wonder if that will play a part...right now I'm thinking that the idea is that Trixie, Twilight, and Sunset will each end up with two Elements of Harmony. I guess they could split the Element of Magic between them, but introducing five new characters in the form of the rest of the M6 would be quite a bit for the middle/end of this story.

The smell of flowers in the air helped put Trixie at ease

I wonder if it would be considered rude to eat the flowers...these are ponies, after all, and we've seen Twilight, at least, eat flower petals as what seemed to be an appetizer.

“Luna,” Trixie began

I find it a little interesting that she isn't calling her "Princess".

Nopony knows everything

:twilightsmile: "Give me some time..."

“How?” Sunset asked, “I mean, Twilight is smarter then her!”

Reminds me of an Awkward Zombie comic...ah, here we go.

5662990 /pokesholesinownstory We are all children of Equestria! And every character in the story has a horn. Diversity!

Should you write more than just this story, by the by, might I suggest the name "Trioverse"?

I kinda wanna write more than one, and am going into this story with that potential in mind. But, I've already got a bunch of ongoing stories atm, so, one thing at a time.:twilightsheepish:
Also, you're onto my schemes! I'm so transparent!:twilightoops:

Interesting idea that seems to be executed very well. I really do enjoy your characters, and having Trixie be the one with the normal fears really helped set the tone for who she is. Looking forward to the Sunset chapters the most! Poor ol Sunset, just trying to prove her way in the world.

5666412 You're right. My examples were flawed, and outright wrong. If Twilight passing out trying to cast a spell in an effort to succeed is out of character, then I'm sorry. :fluttercry: I'll try harder next time.

Sunsets not being shown in the best light being down right mean to little Trixie although I'm sure she'll be a bit more sympathetic in her own chapter.

Trixie herself is so sweet, like any little filly I'm sure she's going to feel rather homesick in the coming days without her family, hopefully Luna, Twilight and even Sunset and maybe even Spike (if he ends up with that name) will be able to help.


Sunsets not being shown in the best light being down right mean to little Trixie although I'm sure she'll be a bit more sympathetic in her own chapter.

Bit more sympathetic Sunset is what I'm intending for chapter three.:heart::twilightblush:


I have a feeling Spike may actually be communally raised by all three of them although I don't know if he will tend to gravitate to one or the other of the fillies.

5652556 Self doubt is a lack of belief in one's talents. Determination is a drive to overcome despite those same doubts.

Wow, I'm so pumped to read more of this! This chapter felt more natural than the first, not really sure why. I love the way you introduced Trixie's strength! I honestly felt just as unsure of her as she was in the story. Sunset's declaration that Trixie didn't belong made ME question whether she belonged, so when Luna revealed her inherent closeness to magic I had the 'Aha!' moment just like they all did. Very cool.

The cover image source still links to the previous cover.

5674186 Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out!:derpytongue2::facehoof:

Sorry for the wait on this one. :ajsleepy: Snow made work a real hassle, hope you liked it~:twilightsmile:

You're updating faster than I can these days...

“Because this was the only room available without a secret door or passageway.

Ha! Nipping that one in the bud, then?

Because I hatched him, when dad couldn't

It's worth noting that according to Faust, this task was supposed to be outright impossible. It was a Kobayashi Maru test - the point wasnt whether or not the filly could hatch it, but rather, how they would go about doing it. Which actually raises some questions for me. One fanfic I like actually made the suggestion that Spike isn't actually a dragon at all, but a pony, magically created by the interaction of Twilight's magic and Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. With Twilight as technically the mother and Rainbow Dash technically the father ("I'm too young and too female to be a father!"). He actually only looks like a dragon because Twilight's spell was trying to hatch a dragon, and so created what a filly imagined a baby dragon to look like. But in reality he's just a malformed (but perfectly healthy) unicorn pony.

'twas an interesting idea, and one that I'm going to admit that I'm partial to.

It must be someplace you can either see, or are intimately familiar with.

"Also try not to teleport inside something or somepony, unless you like chunky salsa."

(Just kidding, this isn't that kind of fic)

It must be someplace you can either see, or are intimately familiar with.

Hmm...interesting choice, seeing as we've never seen Trixie teleport in the show but we know that Sunset can. Actually for that matter Sunset is the only other unicorn besides Twilight we've ever seen pull it off.

It's not something you should disregard.”

Hmm...I'm a big fan of fics that take the idea that the Elements will occasionally go to those who need them, as well as to those who embody them. That being the case, and based off of my earlier predicition that the three fillies are going to be splitting the six Elements between them, I predict, based on what we've seen in this fic...

- Sunset: Magic and Loyalty
- Twilight: Generosity and Kindness
- Trixie: Laughter and Honesty


It's worth noting that according to Faust, this task was supposed to be outright impossible. It was a Kobayashi Maru test...

Huh. I didn't know that. Darn, well, it is what it is!

"Also try not to teleport inside something or somepony, unless you like chunky salsa."

(Just kidding, this isn't that kind of fic)

If there is going to be a 'Trioverse', I'd go in with the intention of the entries being 'E' for everypony. :twilightblush:
Sounds like you're enjoying it, I'm glad!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I'm curious how the Element thing will end, if the story ever reaches that point.


This is quite entertaining. It shall be interesting to see how this develops.

I really enjoyed these few chapters hope to read more soon

You briefly went into the Physics of UnicornTeleportation. I wrote a post about that:

The Physics of UnicornTeleportation

Lots of awws in this chapter,Twilight giving Sunset Ms Smarty Pants to keep her company was my favourite.

Certainly points to Sunset for caring what happens to Spike

I'm surprised with them all sleeping in this new bed, its a cute look but doesn't seem likely to me, I doubt Equestria has a bed shortage.

Trixie personalising her teleport spell with smoke and fireworks was very her.

Are all three supposed to be the same age? From the first chapte4 I'd assumed there were a few years between the with Trixie as the youngest and Sunset the oldest, but I guess its just their personalities.

How about introducing the others to Twilights family, I could see Sunset and maybe Trixie having crushes on Shining Armour and all three students fighting for his attention (I'm sure his LSBFF would win out, unless Cadence is about)


Are all three supposed to be the same age?

'Roughly'. The three of them are the same age just as much as the mane 6 are. Or the CMC. As in they are X years old.

I'm surprised with them all sleeping in this new bed, its a cute look but doesn't seem likely to me, I doubt Equestria has a bed shortage.

I wonder if Luna had any part in that outcome... :scootangel:


When will there be a part where Sunset stops being Luna's student?

The foal segment of this story will be completed in two more chapters, after which there will be a time skip. I haven't quite decided yet if what happens after the time skip will take place in this story, or start fresh in a new one. :rainbowhuh::twilightsheepish:

Is Luna older or younger than Celestia in this story?

In this AU, Celestia is still the older, and more powerful, sister.

It's nice to see someone say envy instead of incorrectly useing the word jealousy .

Is it bad to hope Twilight gets an anxiety attack just to see how Luna reacts to it.

You know, it actually makes a kind of sense to hae these three together if you think about the tree of harmony. Sure the sun and moon look like Celestia and Luna's cutie marks, but the key point is that there is also the star there. The star, sunn, and moon could easily match up with Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset and not Two, Celestia, and lluna.

Wonderfully done with the characters so far. However the only thing that bothers me a little is how you used Twilight. In the pilot episode on the main show it was clearly revealed in the opening that other ponies approached Twilight to bond with her in Canterlot. But she always thought her studies were too important to leave any room for friendship.

You treat filly Twilight as we see her from after the pilot. Personally I would have written filly Twilight whom would see the others as fellow students. Not friends. Though the friendship would blossom between the 3 it would only happen slowly and gradually. I wouldn't have written her so open and focussed in making friends. Then again I understand why you took this path because of her cutie mark.

Speaking about her cutie mark you got it death right on the true meaning of Twilight cutie mark. Which is the "Magic of Friendship."That actually makes me wonder if you understand the true meaning of Sunset and Trixie cutie marks. (And no Trixie cutie mark isn't stage magic as bronies claim, if it was then it would have been a magician wand instead of the one that's on her flank.)

I could send you a PM if you want to know my opinion what both of their marks represents. :raritywink:

Honest I do enjoy the story so far and the nitpick above I only do when I really love a good written story. :twilightsmile:


However the only thing that bothers me a little is how you used Twilight.

Sorry that it bothered you. :twilightoops: I went into it thinking that if pushed in the right direction, Twilight would be open to making new friends at an earlier point in her life. Still, I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

I could send you a PM if you want to know my opinion what both of their marks represents.

I'd really love to hear your thoughts on the matter. :twilightsmile:

I'm sort of surprised that Twilight's mark is still the same, clearly her talent is friendship, I suppose it still represents the elements of harmony / friendship but I would have assumed something representing Trixie / Twilight / Sunset.

I think I might have been right about Sunset having a bit of a crush on Shining Armour.

5706307 I considered changing it for quite a bit, then came to realize that I didn't really need to, as her mark still ties into the Elements of Harmony.
Still, she was pretty close to having A book with her star on it, surrounded by two small ones. What could have been~~


Given how she got it maybe a sun and a moon linked with either a heart or a star. It would certainly get Luna interested.

“H-Hi! I'm Sunset Shimmer.” She replied, adopting a bright and surprising grin towards Twilight's brother.

Ha! I'm a huge fan of romantic comedy manga and so I'm pretty sure I see where this is going. Twilight's in the "oblivious" phase at the moment. Later on in her life she should probably enter the "stay away from my brother" phase.

I like to play as Clover the Clever.

A wee bit self-insert there, Twily...then again I find that D&D players tend to come in two varities. You play what you are, or you play the exact inverse. Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files likes to play a barbarian.

as she galloped through the castle to the first floor.

You'd think the guard would notice Twilight seeming distraught and try and find out what was up.

Still, the two of them wrestled, small hoofs getting tangle in each others manes, neither backing down, both oblivious to the desperate filly overlooking them.

To be honest sometimes being let to fight things out is the best thing you can do or let happen.

And, at that moment, unbeknownst to the lavender filly, her cutie-mark appeared. A pink six pointed star, along with five smaller white stars around it.

Convenient timing...

Satanic Panic exists in your universe. This is a strange choice. In our world, it is all about no Fun in Fundamentalism:

Fun things like music, TV, movies, games, dances, et cetera are more enjoyable than church. Rather than making church more fun, the fundamentalists ban the competing fun-activities and make kids too scared to try them as Temptations of the Devil. That is the long and the short of it. Even our GameMistress who is a Baptist or Methodist (I can never keep all of those denominations straight) agrees. Interestingly enough, in our game of PonyFinder, she is the only Mare and theist while everypony else is a stallion and an atheist. Not only is Satanic Panic no fun, but it kills:

In Africa, Pentecostals, the same denomination as Sarah Palin, murder those they consider to be witches.

111th like FTW! Now in all seriousness, if this gets any more adorable, you'll have to pay for my inevitable medical bills...if they can save me.

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