• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2021

Twilight Star

Twilight and Luna: two mares made for each other

My OTP: TwiLuna

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I will no longer take requests · 6:45pm Apr 12th, 2021

After thinking for a few days, I made a decision: I will permanently close requests. BUT, I still have to write a requested history (which i already do it. All that's left for me is to correct the possible errors).

Report Twilight Star · 580 views ·
Comments ( 247 )
  • Viewing 243 - 247 of 247

Yea, I know that. She started less active in my absent, and I did check on her sometime. Still, from what I see, most user not usually make a come back (any soon), it took me like 2 years to return to this site. And I'm sad for that, hopefully we will be able to see her someday.

She hasn't been on in almost two years.

I don’t think so, I used to follow her on my now-deleted account. Months before Sept, she started to get inactive for a while, and then online again, then it turn to a bit long periods, kinda like taking a break(I thought), and finally offline in Sept. At that time, not many people wrote about Twilight x Luna, she loved the couple so much, including me as I was one of the active Twiluna writers at that time, and searching for new stories was hard. So it's kinda like she got bored over time.

Just my guess because she usually updates regularly, until “The Comfort of the Moon”, kinda strange that took her from early July to the end of August for it.

Its a shame, I liked her stories.

  • Viewing 243 - 247 of 247
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