• Member Since 4th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


just your every day Flying fox(not the bat kind), who may or may not have an obsession over the concept of alicorns... :]

Other Stories I Love

you know a lot of people like to think alicorns are ageless or immortal. but does it not make more sense that Luna and Celestia just use age spells to lengthen their life so they can live as long as they want, after all, if powerful unicorns can do it, why not an alicorn who sees a country that still needs her guidance. and an insane pony who want to plunge the world into an eternal night

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Thank you for putting my silly story in your crosshairs. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your interest!

Thanks for adding N’Zoth’s Chosen to your bookshelf!

Hello there and thank you for adding my story The Heart of Pleasure to your reading list! I would love to read what you liked about it in the comments once you get to it. ^_^


Thanks for the read.

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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