• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen July 18th


Love to write original stories; along with possible crossovers from well known series.

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Blog Posts

  • 3 weeks
    General Update

    Hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing well. :pinkiehappy:

    Allow me to start by apologizing for the four-month pause on any of my stories. It's been a crazy handful of months at the workplace lately, but I'm glad to say that things are calming down. As such, more consistent chapter uploads are to be expected for the month of July.

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    4 comments · 137 views
  • 7 weeks

    Hello, everyone! I just wanted to make a quick blog to let you all know that I'm doing well; it's just that my workplace has been quite busy lately.

    I apologize for not updating or posting anything these last two months. Rest assured, it's not due to lack of interest or the dreaded writer's block; it's just my job. let's just say that, in terms of business, working at a casino can be quite unpredictable. :pinkiehappy:

    9 comments · 113 views
  • 14 weeks

    Apologies for being gone for nearly a whole week, peeps. Of course, it’s peak business at the workplace.

    Even so, chapters are nearing completion, and I again apologize for disappearing lately. :twilightsheepish:

    8 comments · 123 views
  • 18 weeks
    Sombasi Update

    The next chapter will be up very soon! :pinkiehappy: I'm sorry for the huge delay. My workplace was quite chaotic last month, but things are much better now.

    With that being said, allow me to at least give a glimpse into what's to come in the upcoming chapter:

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    2 comments · 186 views
  • 20 weeks
    Quick Update!

    Hello, everyone!

    As the title says, this is just a quick blog to inform you all that everything is going well. :pinkiehappy: I haven't given up on writing, nor am I canceling any of my stories. Real life was just getting in the way as of late.

    My sincerest apologies for the incredibly long delay in chapter uploads as a result. But the good news is that this month is looking far better than the last, my time is much more manageable, and my writing urges demand satiation.

    2 comments · 114 views

General Update · 2:29pm July 5th

Hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing well. :pinkiehappy:

Allow me to start by apologizing for the four-month pause on any of my stories. It's been a crazy handful of months at the workplace lately, but I'm glad to say that things are calming down. As such, more consistent chapter uploads are to be expected for the month of July.

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Report Pomp-Neigh · 137 views ·
Comments ( 112 )
  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112

As for the sonic characters I think I know what kind of tek weapons I might be able to give to each character.

Also in one of your commission pictures you were going to give Celestia a tek greatsword or claymore. Also I kinda plan on giving Rarity a tek Rapier or two Tek Rapiers.

Yup! I like to add at least some level of “realism” to the story.

Actually I might give a tek katana to sunset I don't know maybe. Also will some of them be duel welding Weapons as in holding one weapon in each hand?

Oh, absolutely! I actually added a Tek Woolyrhino saddle in the story, and plan to expand not only Tek equipment, but other tiers, too.

  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112
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