• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Love to write original stories; along with possible crossovers from well known series.

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Blog Posts

  • 11 weeks
    Back in Business!

    As the title suggests, my schedule is officially clear for the rest of the year! And although my job is entering a slow period, have no fear—I am a full-timer, so my paycheck is secured.

    Without further ado, here's the lineup and expected upload for my stories:

    The General and his Steed: 99% complete, finalizing editing. Expected to be released by tomorrow. (9/21/2024) Followed by another chapter just days later!

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    4 comments · 195 views
  • 14 weeks

    Hello, everyone!

    Allow me to start off by offering my sincerest apologies for the long pause in most of my stories. I mentioned it in my previous blog post, but to recap, it's due to peak business at my workplace, which spanned over these last five months.

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    7 comments · 114 views
  • 22 weeks
    General Update

    Hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing well. :pinkiehappy:

    Allow me to start by apologizing for the four-month pause on any of my stories. It's been a crazy handful of months at the workplace lately, but I'm glad to say that things are calming down. As such, more consistent chapter uploads are to be expected for the month of July or August.

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    4 comments · 218 views
  • 27 weeks

    Hello, everyone! I just wanted to make a quick blog to let you all know that I'm doing well; it's just that my workplace has been quite busy lately.

    I apologize for not updating or posting anything these last two months. Rest assured, it's not due to lack of interest or the dreaded writer's block; it's just my job. let's just say that, in terms of business, working at a casino can be quite unpredictable. :pinkiehappy:

    9 comments · 143 views
  • 34 weeks

    Apologies for being gone for nearly a whole week, peeps. Of course, it’s peak business at the workplace.

    Even so, chapters are nearing completion, and I again apologize for disappearing lately. :twilightsheepish:

    8 comments · 153 views

Back in Business! · 11:17pm September 20th

As the title suggests, my schedule is officially clear for the rest of the year! And although my job is entering a slow period, have no fear—I am a full-timer, so my paycheck is secured.

Without further ado, here's the lineup and expected upload for my stories:

The General and his Steed: 99% complete, finalizing editing. Expected to be released by tomorrow. (9/21/2024) Followed by another chapter just days later!

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Report Pomp-Neigh · 195 views ·
Comments ( 117 )
  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117

I did. But they're also archived on a G-doc for possible recycling purposes.

I see. Did u delete the old versions then?

I did, but they were in desperate need of a rewrite, which can now be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/565417/terraria-journeys-end

Hey, didn't u use to have a couple of Terraria crossover stories on here, or am I thinking of someone else?

  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117
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