• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Wolf Blood

After a few years of watching the show ideas always continue to bubble up in my head now's the time to release them.


Happy New Year and Future Plans · 10:00pm Jan 1st, 2020

Good Morning Noon and Evening everybody.

Yep it's me Wolf Blood I ain't dead yet after such a hectic year and that's what I wanna talk to you about. To be blunt and to the point about it most of you have noticed that I haven't been posting as many characters as I normally do lately.

Also I'm sorry to bring you more bad news but updates to my story A Wolf Among Ponies are going to be slow still because I have a few things I wish to catch up on.

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Report Wolf Blood · 825 views · Story: A Wolf Among Caribou ·
Comments ( 177 )
  • Viewing 173 - 177 of 177

600 your welcome:ajsmug:

I've been reading your wolf among ponies stories love it BTW, and all the anime, video game, and web series references you put into it, I'm at chapter 46 and the training Ash is doing with Epsilon sounds alot like training that agent Carolina and Church/Epsilon would train in red vs blue am I right. Also naming Ash' nightmare form Epsilon is a big hint.

  • Viewing 173 - 177 of 177
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