• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 30th, 2024


I don't believe in the idea of rough and final drafts. There's just the pure writing, and whatever little tweaks that a writer thinks will make the piece better.

Current Story/Stories Chapter(s) In-Progress

As of 5/7/2021;

Seeing Stars : Started w/ OC character bio, just to get the feeling of writing back.
The Champion of the Princesses : Updated Chapter 3 (from what was written on a separate app, just copied and pasted).

I'm not dead, I've just been going through the crest falls of late- to post-college Blues. Going into my thirties and COVID haven't helped either. But that's not to say I'm back completely, not yet. All I ask is for a little time to get back into the sway of things.

I'm not as horny energetic as I used to be, you know...


A Halloween Contribution Notice · 3:20pm Sep 18th, 2016

So I just wanted to put out there that I have several plans for the upcoming month of October, and as the title suggests it's mostly just wanting to have some new dark- or Halloween-themed stories, as well as finishing one in particular, for the holiday festivities.

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Report Brony_Stalmaster · 500 views · Story: Hollowbat · #Halloween #new stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Just doing the yearly check up to see if you are still going to continue your great Champion of the Princesses story.

Been awhile. Just checking in to see how progress is going with Champion of the Princesses. So eager to read more of that story.

That's great to hear man. I'm glad to hear it, I cant wait to read the update. It will be great.

First, I am flattered that you enjoy Champion of the Princesses, and that you would inquire about it.

Second, I wish to state not only to you, but to anyone else who might read this that are also curious about the story's state, is that I do have full intentions of completing the story. However, for the time being I am currently preoccupied and busy with the last stretch of college so that I can graduate.

Once I have, I can give strong assurance that I will continue my writings in my free time, including the partially written third chapter of Champion of the Princesses, among others.

Hey I see that you still come online all the time. Do you ever plan to update your story Champion of the Princesses, its a really great read.

Thanks for the fave on Stallion Surprise!

Here have a watch!

Now I return to say thank you for giving Hit The Showers a fave. :rainbowdetermined2:

I can tell with the latest wave of faves you've given. Thank you for each one of those. :twilightsmile:

2035055 What can I say? Love your 2nd person stories, dude.

  • Viewing 7 - 16 of 16
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