• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Israel Yabuki

Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories


What happened? · 2:45am February 15th

Guys, I just recently found out something. Now, I don't know all the details, but apparently, Sora21 has, for whatever reason, disappeared off of fimfiction. His account is still there, along with 5 of his stories... except for one: The Goddess of Love and her Secret and I'm kinda worried about him. If anyone out there, anyone at all, knows why this has happened... please, let me know. I just wanna know why his account name was crossed off and why one of his stories was removed.

Thank you.

Report Israel Yabuki · 824 views ·

Your Anthro Waifu Series

Comments ( 851 )
  • Viewing 847 - 851 of 851

Oh….maybe add some boobjobing in it this time? SMALL side request?

the guy who paid me to write it wanted me to rewrite it. Too many flaws, according to him

Hey, what happened to a beach birthday blowout!

  • Viewing 847 - 851 of 851
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