• Member Since 29th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

About Myself

Real Name: (Who'd be stupid enough to tell their real name?:rainbowlaugh:)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Likes: Video Games, Movies (Mainly MCU.), Comics, Manga, Anime, MLP (Obviously.:twilightsheepish:), Clop, feeling free, Livestreaming, Independence, Writing, and having fun

Dislikes: Being bossed around, Drama, Tsunderes (Irritate the fuck out of me.), Condescending People, Boredom, SJWs (They take the fun out of everything, left or right.) Not being able to write the things I like, Not living life, and Uptight People

Favorite Character(s) in MLP: Spike (My most favorite.:moustache:) Celestia (The hottest. And yes, I just said that line.:trollestia:), Luna (Very down-to-earth), Starlight (Bite me!), Trixie (One my favorite ponies), Thorax (One of my favorite male characters.), Chrysalis (Adorkable. 'Nuff said.), Sunset (Best Human character in MLP.), Maud (Who wouldn't?), The Schoolyard Six (They're the better versions of the Mane Six. At least in my opinion.) Ember (Quite tough, I'd say.), Tempest (Pretty good character, but her real name ruins it for me.) Tirek (Coolest villain in Season 4.) and Cadance (She's just too nice.:heart:)

Disliked Character(s) in MLP: Applejack (She's just too uptight for me to really like her. It's not that I hate her. She's just too bossy.), Discord (After Season 6, he just went downhill for me. He's okay, but not as much.), Chancellor Neighsay (He's a dick. Need I say more?), Starswirl (I hated him in Season 7, but I'm more neutral with him now.), The Storm King (Not enough of him was shown. And no, the comics don't count.), Diamond Tiara (Hated her guts back in the first five seasons, but mainly neutral with her now.) and Cozy Glow (I hate her even more than Diamond Tiara. At least DT has a reason for her personality.)

Liked Stories: Stories with M-Rated themes.

Disliked Stories: Anything that feels rushed or fake.

Brony Origin Story: When I was in high school, I was introduced to a cousin who was into MLP. Initially, I was against the idea of watching the show. But after watching an episode, I was immediately hooked. I started watching the show more frequently, catching up to Season 4 when The Hub was still around (Anybody remember that?). I grew more attached to the characters and I was deep into the fan art. I even showed it to a friend who, like me at the time, was against the idea of watching the show, but afterwords, he became a fan like yours truly. In late 2016, I was getting into writing and I wanted to showcase my work, so I signed myself up here and been doing this ever since.

My Goals: I hope to one day pass my A+ exam to make myself a job and work on Gaming PCs to earn enough money to buy equipment for my YouTube career. I also hope to one day animate some of my stories and post them on sites like Tumblr or Patreon (If I ever get the latter, that is.) I also plan on Livestreaming every other day of the week on YouTube so that I can chat with you all on the feedback you give me. I hope for the day that I can create video games and animation to the point of saving entertainment.

Writing: I tend to write with a lot of my love and soul poured into it. My way of writing usually involves lots of sex and I love catering to my entire audience. I like to work on other genres, but mine is mainly focused on clop. However, I am getting into Tragedy and I've been working on some as of late. I'm very deep into detail and I will not quit writing the story until I made it to the final conclusion of the story I'm focused on. In other words, I will never give up until I've written the entire thing to the final detail.

What I'm like with people: I'm very chill with other people and I tend to dislike confrontation with other people. I get curious about their comments from time to time, but I tend to value people's opinions.

If anybody has any questions or just plain wants to talk with me (Maybe a little RP or whatever.), just talk. It'll be fun.

I also have an A03 account where I will post my other stories due to Fimfiction guidelines. I will leave a link for you down below.

A03 Account


I'm done. · 3:50am Aug 18th, 2021

Hey everyone, it's been a long-ass time since I've written on here and today, it might be the last time I will ever write on here. Today, I've decided to write a crack ship story on here. It's called Different People and it's basically a Sunset Shimmer Story if she were to be paired up with Button Mash. It's been a fun ride with all of you and I've been thinking about this for a long time now and I've made my decision; I will not be writing on here anymore. I know it's a shock, but after

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Report GhoulDash97 · 575 views ·
Comments ( 82 )
  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82

Well, I just reposted my comment on the Changeling post.

No Idea, it might have just glitched out from what TheKMExperience said when I asked.

I see. Why was it removed?

The thread If you were the leader of a Changeling Hive, what new Breed(s) would you create, I reposted it after the first one disappeared.

  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82
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I'm done. · 3:50am Aug 18th, 2021

Hey everyone, it's been a long-ass time since I've written on here and today, it might be the last time I will ever write on here. Today, I've decided to write a crack ship story on here. It's called Different People and it's basically a Sunset Shimmer Story if she were to be paired up with Button Mash. It's been a fun ride with all of you and I've been thinking about this for a long time now and I've made my decision; I will not be writing on here anymore. I know it's a shock, but after

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Report GhoulDash97 · 575 views ·