• Member Since 5th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Shepard Dragon


Followers · 4:12pm Oct 31st, 2020

Why do I keep getting Followers? I haven't even written anything......yet.

Report Shepard Dragon · 134 views ·
Comments ( 158 )
  • Viewing 154 - 158 of 158

Lucky for you most of my list is Spike related. Two SmolderXSpike planned in May, SpikeXTwilight, BarbXDusk, SpikeXRainbow Dash and more on the list waiting for the right to post them.

Spike deserves plenty of love.
Ship him with any of the Mane 6, Princesses, Other Main or side characters, or combos. I'll read it.

Awesome that you're enjoying my newest fic, Sharing the Castle with Starlight Glimmer. If there are any ships you want to see more of, don't hesitate to ask.

It's the only fanfic of Pia-sama's oc so that makes it a rare gem

  • Viewing 154 - 158 of 158
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