• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021
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  • 67 weeks
    Birthdays of Spike and the Harem

    I was bored. So, I decided to post my view on the birthdates of Spike and his harem.

    Applejack: 01/31/1996
    Rainbow Dash: 04/01/1996
    Fluttershy: 07/26/1996
    Twilight Sparkle: 09/30/1996
    Rarity: 03/20/1997
    Pinkie Pie: 08/30/1997
    Starlight Glimmer: 10/28/1997
    Gabby: 11/05/1998
    Smolder: 05/22/2002
    Spike: 08/21/2003
    Apple Bloom: 11/19/2005
    Sweetie Belle: 12/27/2005
    Scootaloo: 02/06/2006

    9 comments · 269 views
  • 70 weeks
    I'm 18 today.

    Today, I'm officially an adult.

    7 comments · 187 views
  • 80 weeks
    Need help with the funeral speeches for my latest story.

    I’m having writer’s block on what to do with the speeches for Gallus’ funeral. I’ve already completed the speeches for both Smolder and Ocellus, but I still need help with Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream, the teachers and Grampa Gruff. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

    0 comments · 225 views
  • 81 weeks

    Happy new Year, Y’all!

    1 comments · 210 views
  • 82 weeks
    Can someone find me a good proofreader?

    I need help. I'm writing a new story that's not getting good ratings and I want a proofreader's opinion on it so I can fix any flaws I made. Story is below:

    Goodbye, Gallus - Fimfiction

    0 comments · 152 views

Birthdays of Spike and the Harem · 8:13am Apr 8th, 2023

I was bored. So, I decided to post my view on the birthdates of Spike and his harem.

Applejack: 01/31/1996
Rainbow Dash: 04/01/1996
Fluttershy: 07/26/1996
Twilight Sparkle: 09/30/1996
Rarity: 03/20/1997
Pinkie Pie: 08/30/1997
Starlight Glimmer: 10/28/1997
Gabby: 11/05/1998
Smolder: 05/22/2002
Spike: 08/21/2003
Apple Bloom: 11/19/2005
Sweetie Belle: 12/27/2005
Scootaloo: 02/06/2006

Report 1jckuhn · 269 views ·
Comments ( 153 )
  • Viewing 149 - 153 of 153

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories!

Thank you for reading friend!:twilightsmile:

Yep. Just get on it when you can.

3314368 i forgot sorry:fluttershysad: about that is it the a griffon's farewell

Thanks. You too. Also, how are the drawings coming along?

3314343 thanks i hope you have a good day tomorrow and a good night sleep

  • Viewing 149 - 153 of 153
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