• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago

Gyro Pony

Comments ( 129 )
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Thank you for the follow and for your interest in my story, Ladybugs Awake!

yoooooo dafuq happened? i like watching that guys content.


It’s depressing to read, isn’t it?

It is. This was the worst week ever since I hit the shores of this world.

Sawtooth should have cut ties and the girl should have stopped chasing him.

There was nothing inherently wrong with the relationship itself. But the girl should have been smarter and listen to his warnings of obsessing over him so much that she neglects school as a result. A romantic relationship can work with a little less obsession than that. But the girl was not only emotionally dependent, she also was (and is), as it turned out now, crazy. The bad type of crazy. Sawtooth Waves should have saved himself before the scent of the lamia took too much effect.

Sawtooth was crossing the age of becoming an adult and still had the naivety of youth.

There is an old saying that I understand now:

Don't stick your dick in crazy.

Which is a metaphorical dick in Sawtooth's case, they never physically met according to both of them, but there is truth in that saying, after all. It's not a mere joke, this holds meaning.

It’s depressing to read, isn’t it?
For both of them.

The girl was clingy and in need of approval.
Sawtooth was crossing the age of becoming an adult and still had the naivety of youth.

Girl blames Sawtooth for everything, even her own mistakes.
Sawtooth feels shame and accepts responsibility for all of it.

They both made mistakes.
Sawtooth should have cut ties and the girl should have stopped chasing him.

I derped and forgot that I get an e-mail for each reply, so I still have your response:

Yes, he should have cut ties. But it seems that even if he stopped all correspondence from his side, she was so obsessed and clingy (her own words) that she wouldn’t accept it.

The further problem with what she says about how he should have cut ties, but didn't, is that she, by her own words, needed him and had no one else to turn to. Breaking up with her would have meant to abandon her and let her hang without support, it would have hurt her and would have made her suffer, so he could not just go and do that. Her having been so much in need of him and now claiming that he could and should have left her, when she knows exactly that leaving wouldn't have been so easily possible with her mental condition back then, is nothing short of sadistic. She is emotionally abusing him with those accusations.

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