• Member Since 30th May, 2018
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Wings of Black Glass

The worst fanfic ever written is still better than the greatest story never told.

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Pony Wars · 10:15pm Jan 4th, 2021

So that Pony Wars project that I’m posting the character backstories for: That’s a project trying to make a new setting for people to create stuff for. While I was initially brought in to help with some of the worldbuilding, I’ve since turned into the lead author for it. (right now the *only* author for it, but that’s another issue) Dratta Arcana is the project lead, and he wants people to make their own stories, or art, or whatever for the setting. “Like Fallout Equestria” he’s said

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That's pretty deep

That was one of the thoughts that got me to write The Mask of Despair and put it up where someone could see it. It doesn't matter how good your multi-million word epic you've been planning for decades is if no one ever reads it. If no one ever reads it, then even the worst porn-filled drivel full of misspellings and terrible grammar that got cobbled together in 20 minutes is still better.

The other thought was "Whatever it takes to get me writing, even mlp fanfiction."

This makes me unexplainably depressed:

The worst fanfic ever written is still better than the greatest story never told.

:pinkiehappy:you're welcome:pinkiesmile:

:pinkiesmile:oh take a look underneath my messages

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