• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2019


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Flesh and Blood Comic · 7:00pm Sep 26th, 2018

Hey everyone, I'm here... for just a bit.

Anyway, if you're still hankering for some more Flesh and Blood content, check out IcyChamber over on DeviantArt

They started work on a Flesh and Blood inspired comic and it looks fantastic, go show them some love.

I really feel like kicking myself over the head for not finishing the story after all this time, but I honestly feel it would just end up letting everyone down in the end.

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Report PajamaHam · 738 views · Story: Flesh and Blood ·

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Comments ( 34 )
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I'd love to see Flesh and Blood continued, but take your time and do it when you're ready.
I can't speak for everyone but I can't feel right in complaining when it's your work and you don't feel happy with it.

are you dead

PajamaHam, I have an idea: submit the rough draft of the latest chapter and let the audience point out the errors for you.
it will probably work, and none of us can take the suspense any longer anyway.

1409051 hey man, i just wanted to say that i'm really happy for you for getting your life back in order! can't wait to see more of your amazing work on Flesh and Blood! i would have done this earlier, but i didn't see the post where you said you changed your name, and i forgot to add F.a.B to my favorites, so it took me a while to find you again. anyways, just wanted to say all that.

i hope RL stays fixed for you. i know how much of a pain it is when things get fixed, only to break again.

Fair enough

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