• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen April 12th

Hotaru Lind


Where does my Avatar come from? · 4:43am Jul 2nd, 2013

I've had a couple of people ask on various sites where my avatar comes from so I'm posting this to let people know one and for all. I took it from the a piece of artwork from the band Disturbed, who I like quite a bit and I'm a fan of their cover of Land of Confusion.

So just so you know I stole it.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thanks a lot for the whatchamacallit :pinkiecrazy:

This is the picture where you got the avatar, isn't it?

Hey! Thanks for the favorite! :yay: You wouldn't mind voting it up if you liked it, would you? :scootangel: *bighug*

Definitely let me know your thoughts! I love feedback! :heart:

You're watching me? No. NO. I'm watching YOU. :coolphoto:

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