• Member Since 14th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 14th, 2013



Story revisions. · 8:30am Mar 10th, 2013

So to all who bother to read this, I've revised all the chapters and rewritten most of the first two with three not finished but is okay. I realized I have been gone for while and I almost left this fic to die, but I'm back and the next chapter is being types as I write this. It will then be revised and editors and proof readers will then check for mistakes before posting. Sounds long? Not at all and it's worth the effort. So.please let me know what you think of the revisions so far. The next

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Report DeadSpaceLuna · 546 views ·
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I'm starting to fear another story has been abandoned.

Hello. I was cleaning out my watching list and I came upon you. We haven't talked in awhile. How's it going?

Hm. Guess I should stop by a longtime Follower's page and say thanks! I don't know if you're still reading the feces I post, but if you are, thanks! If not, well, your choice. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Black Hoof deleted Apr 11th, 2014

510067 Done. Just have not uploaded due to technical issues. Im only able to respond because I'm typing this from my phone. Hopefully my computer will be fixed soon and I can finally update those next 8 chapters I have in mind.

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