• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2016

Gremlin Grenade

I wrote it, therefore it must be good


Shattered KIngdom Updates and Applications · 9:14pm Jan 15th, 2016

Hey everyone! For those of you still following me for Shattered Kingdom purposes, we've got a big (and slightly late) update! We've released a new demo! Yaaaaay!


Here is the post on our tumblr, which contains links to download for both PC and Mac Platforms! The demo is a playable version of our BronyCon 2015 panel with added content and functionality. Enjoy!

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Comments ( 43 )
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Skype tells me that on this day, many a year ago, you exited your mother's birth canal, and then you met a doctor, and the very first doctor you eve met then immediately spanked you, prompting your eternal hatred of doctors and their arbitrarily abusive ways.
In other words, happy birthday.

Woah Grem, nice job on these. I deleted my fanfic a while back though.

Gremly dear~ <3:pinkiehappy:

Hahaha you didn't do anything, ive just been working alot so I haven't really been able to go online for a while.

I'll only be around for about two more days before I run off again.

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