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Amazing stories by Bluespectre
When The Snow Melts In the forest of bamboo, the first snows of winter have begun to fall. A white blanket begins to cover the quiet hills the reed worker calls home. His quiet and peaceful life is changed forever by the discovery of a stranger in the snow. by Bluespectre 128,394 words · 381 · 28
Ice Fall Celestia has gone. The forces of the night, victorious at the battle of River Valley, push on towards the castle of the two sisters. Two friends find themselves caught up in the maelstrom of war and their lives will likely never be the same again. by Bluespectre 437,868 words · 89 · 6
Where the Sunflowers Grow Rush, the latest and rather unsteady addition to the newly constructed palace, is home. Trials and tribulations lie ahead for the new Royal Consort who has to contend, not only with a new world and a new body, but the suspicious ponies of Equestria. by Bluespectre 173,730 words · 94 · 7
All the Queen's Horses How far would a father go to protect his only daughter? When the echoes of war have faded, when the scars of battle have healed, what truly matters more than family. by Bluespectre 304,628 words · 32 · 1
Amazing stories by Bluespectre mostly revolving around Celestia during and after the war between the forces of Equestria and the Legion of Nightmare Moon. Oh also Silver Spoon and the Spoon Family History.
Thanks for the follow! <3
You've done me a solid, listing up Rock Bottoming AND Mistress Mare-velous: Mound Masher, and I'm really happy they got a spot on your list. Keep sticking around, you won't want to miss a moment of Vis.
Also be sure to drop a comment on that fic if you haven't already. To help the BattleStation know where to direct its energy toward next.
thank you for the fav
Thanks for adding Nocturnals to one of our bookshelves!
Thanks for the watch :D