45 users follow RainbowPoopDash
RainbowPoopDash follows 563 users
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Whale Sperm
It begins...
Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too?
Random follow day, now is everyday (WOW!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)
That is all. Equestria is ours.
i fell violated..........
and horny
Here you go have a watch and a mustache
Nothing I can do about you watching me, eh?
Alright: have fun, you rascal, you.
I wish you luck on your quest.
thanks for the watch
Thanks much!
Well, I could go ask the admins if that's even permissible...
Tanks for the watch!
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for stalking me you wont be dissapointed
Why are you following me?
Thanks for the follow RPD really appreciate it.
Howdy there! Thanks a million for choosing to follow me! I'll do my best not to disappoint.