• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2023


Hello there. I was born on a Saturday, I guess I was meant for weekly episode shows. Darkness is just an absense of light, so sometimes you just need someone to call you over to the sunny patch


Quick Catch Up · 4:19pm Feb 25th, 2019

So, yes, I still live. I have to catch up on the show, my feed, and my to read list, but I am here and continue to plan to be.
Honestly, I made this as to tell people Hey! I’m still here!

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Report Shine · 444 views ·

My thanks to Salty Zebra!

Random Things About Me

So I guess this is where I put things about me?
Well, I enjoy a lot of arts. Writing drawing, painting, singing, and playing instruments, and such.
I have a ton of ideas, though not mostly MLP ones, and have not completed many. I live in the country, on a hobby farm. When meeting people face-to-face I'm shy. I try to be nice but sometimes I am mean.
I love gaming too. Among my favorite games are Undertale, and some telltale games, Beyond Two Souls, Detroit: Become Human.... Just to name a few. I've been playing tabletop RPGs since I was 6...
I love reading and books.
I can be quite the fangirl when it comes to games, books, movies or shows I love.
I have trouble picking favorites.
But I do pick some sometimes, like my current favorite show is Earth: Final Conflict, you have probably never watched it. Though I'm also starting to lean onto Invader Zim... Hmm...
I like rain. I don't like snow when it's too deep, since I live in Canada, but I do enjoy it sometimes.

Brothers: Icy, HudsonHawk, MechaBulborb187.
Sister: Mocha
Cousins: Ryuku, Bosney.


The Orphanage
Want an OC for free? Want to give an OC a home? Answer yes to either of these, then you should check this group out, and see if anything catches your interest.

Comments ( 1374 )
  • Viewing 1,370 - 1,374 of 1,374

I am OCULOUS THE HUNTER with my three forbbiden powers Petrifying Power Can petrify anything or one to stone Cracking Quake Can create powerful earthquakes and Petrifying QuakeCan create devastating earthquakes and turn anything to stone.

Damn, that really sucks

I lost all my old records of the site when I switched to my new laptops. I had some remnants from my first switch but my second switch erased everything. ;-;

I know. It's sooo different than it was like, 5 years ago! Not just the emojis and tags, but the entire style, and the fact that you can make new bookshelves and everything. Man, you have any screenshot from a while back then? When banners were default and we only had three bookshelves?

  • Viewing 1,370 - 1,374 of 1,374
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