• Member Since 4th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2016


If I leave my grin behind, remind me that we're all mad here and it's okay.

Awesome pictures from my awesome boyfriend ^^

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About Me


Gender- Female

Sexuality- bi

Favorite character of all time- Cheshire Cat

Goals- Write a story and get over 200 likes

Personality- Dorky Crazy and Childish

wE ArE AlL MaD hERe


Need opinion look at my hand and tell me what you think ^^ · 2:11am Jul 16th, 2016

Report MistressMadness · 558 views ·

A Gift From The Best Boy Friend In The World

Thank you Ryuku i loves you so much!!:heart:

Comments ( 2117 )
  • Viewing 2,108 - 2,117 of 2,117

It's been so long, Page... I hope you're okay.

It's been 30 weeks... I really hope she's okay!

I'm sure we'll see her soon enough though.

Merry Christmas! Hope you'll be back soon~

2360889 Don't worry she is. Kitty will likely be busy this christmas but she'll be back XD

2360887 Oh, okay. Just checking in. It's been awful quiet here. Just wanted to be sure she's doing okay.

2360886 She is okay. Just been busy at work. From what I know she works the night shift

2217766 She's been gone for a while now. Hope she's okay.:ajsleepy:

I think this is the longest she's been gone? Certainly been a while... I'm sure quite a few people miss her, myself included! Hope you're back soon, Cheshy~

  • Viewing 2,108 - 2,117 of 2,117
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