• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2018

Professor Tacitus

Your friendly occasional writer of mediocre material and general observer of life who can't keep his mouth shut. Enjoy!

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Dumb Little Stories: The Pathetic Lore Nerd · 1:02am Apr 25th, 2017

Checking my email, sees a message from Gamestop

"By the Nine! Pre-Order Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind to Receive a Bonus"

I am immediately flushed with rage.

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Report Professor Tacitus · 345 views ·
Comments ( 432 )
  • Viewing 428 - 432 of 432

Read your first story when it first came out 5 years ago, and came back to see if you were still here. Sad to see you haven't been logged in in a while, hope you come back.

2425713 So I found out after my Google search:rainbowlaugh:


It's also the name of a plot important item in the RTS series known as Command and Conquer.

2425639 *puts on nerd glasses* Actually, Tacitus is the name of one of the foremost Roman historians


The Tacitus is an item, not a person.

This C&C reference is too much fun.

  • Viewing 428 - 432 of 432
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