• Member Since 31st Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen July 8th


"Don't live life by the years, live life by how good each year is" -Kevin Pelletier (JibJibMonkey)

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I'm Back · 9:53am Jul 5th, 2019

Hello everyone it's me and I'm BACK! I'll be back on her more frequently and I have a surprise for all of you, a new story! But this story is a bit different from the stories I have on here, it hits a little closer to home for a few people but I hope you guys will like it. I'm gonna be submitting it later today and I put a lot of effort into it.

Take it easy everyone and please, enjoy the story.

Report JibJibMonkey · 325 views ·

I'm Back · 9:53am Jul 5th, 2019

Hello everyone it's me and I'm BACK! I'll be back on her more frequently and I have a surprise for all of you, a new story! But this story is a bit different from the stories I have on here, it hits a little closer to home for a few people but I hope you guys will like it. I'm gonna be submitting it later today and I put a lot of effort into it.

Take it easy everyone and please, enjoy the story.

Report JibJibMonkey · 325 views ·

I'm Back · 9:53am Jul 5th, 2019

Hello everyone it's me and I'm BACK! I'll be back on her more frequently and I have a surprise for all of you, a new story! But this story is a bit different from the stories I have on here, it hits a little closer to home for a few people but I hope you guys will like it. I'm gonna be submitting it later today and I put a lot of effort into it.

Take it easy everyone and please, enjoy the story.

Report JibJibMonkey · 325 views ·

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