Team Brachydios 28 members · 53 stories

Welcome to the Team Brachydios page!

Here, you will find interesting stories and useful gaming tips from members of the team! If you're curious as to who is on the team, the list is as follows:

- SuperKamek
- Dark Thunder 144
- StumbleDore
- Code Breaker
- Cyber System
- SolarEclipse912
- tealspeckles
- The Wolf of Thunder
- DiscordFan
- rst64tlc

Anyone is allowed to join, but if you wish to post your story you may only put it in the "Anyone" folder. Any story not by any of these authors in the correct folder will be deleted.

If you have any questions about any game at all, begin a forum thread and we'll get to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and...


Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 1 - 9 of 9

Hi everyone. Just thought I would let you all know I have a new story in progress.

Bro, I can't thank you enough. Though, I don't know how many people will actually join and add their stories... Thanks anyway, man! :rainbowkiss:

397562 Neat!
Prepare yourself! The potential for a mass influx of new members joining your group has just been raised. Your group is now listed in New Groups.

Greetings, everyone.

Hello to everyone here.

Oh, forgot there was a comment section down here! Okay, post your questions here!

Hello there

Greetings my fellow hunters.

  • Viewing 1 - 9 of 9