• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen June 9th

Code Breaker

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CB's Game Blog: Top 10 Console Games · 6:31pm May 10th, 2016

Hello everyone and welcome to the second episode of CB’s Game Blog.

Today will be another countdown this time I will be covering my 10 favorite Console Video Games.

Console Games tend to be either a big hit or they can be a flop and almost kill a franchise. Like many I have my own opinions about particular games and sometimes there are just certain things that draw me to a game like the story, characters, music, etc.

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I actually found it by coincidence. I was searching the site, and found it. Yeah it's sad to see my old friend leave, but as say it's not goodbye. It's simply goodbye till we met again. I honestly do love your story as well as the choices for their partner Digimon. If you ever need a character for the eighth (which I believe will happen) I might have a suggestion or two.

Hey there! Thank you for adding Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined to your Favorites. I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story as it gets updated. :twilightsmile:
I'm guessing you found my work through SuperKamek's last blog? I saw your name on the comment thread. I wish I could've caught him before he left. I was touched by how he felt about my story. :pinkiesad2:

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