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give me a D! · 6:32pm Jan 18th, 2014

derpy is back! could there be anything more awsome? oh wait WEIRD AL!

best season EVER!

Report Grif_Bladefeather · 610 views ·

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Comments ( 59 )
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You ever saw the new chapter for my fic?

Thanks for the add of Anon-a-Miss Remastered to your favourites.

Whatever, I shouldn't have stated my opinion then.

honestly thats a bit of a logic leap as you seem to have no real regards into the character or there origin, the version of equestria he comes from or the circumstances he lives in. also given there aren't alot of panther/raven gryphons I've seen i'd say his look is decently original, honestly without knowledge of his past, his clan or his life your kinda making assumptions.

Your name.... and profile pic.... Not trying to be offensive, but it's kinda uncreative...

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