• Member Since 12th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2024

Dopple Ganger


Followers · 12:28am Feb 13th, 2013

Ok,.., seriously,.., Where are all you ponies coming from? Today alone I got three four five eight nine followers, and I have no idea how this happened. Please tell me where you all are coming from, please.

-Ambassador of the Changelings,
Dopple Ganger

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Actually, now that you mentioned that, I'm gonna look through my unposted stories and see about perhaps posting the changeling one. Maybe it'll spark another idea for me! It's about identity...which makes sense considering we're talking about changelings :P

It is my honest hope that there are Changelings in your story, but that's a bit biased of me. Write what you want and keep making amazing stories.

-Ambassador of the Changelings,
Dopple Ganger

Hey there! Thank you for faving my sci-fi robo-pony story "Equus Metamorphosis." *hugs* I'm loving immersing myself within the tale and I look forward to showing you soooooooo much more!

Stay tuned! :D

2163724 I loved the story idea from the start, but the moment I saw the Changeling Choco Mint, I couldn't resist. I hope that now that the Mane 6 have been befriended, they can all band together with Turing to get to the center of this mystery of who created her and for what reason. When I saw that she was model 003M I wondered what happened to the other two, hopefully we get to see that. Keep up the awesome work.

-Ambassador of the Changelings,
Dopple Ganger

Thank you very much for the fave on "The Iron Horse!" I'm glad you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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