• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday



First blog post + news! · 12:42am Aug 1st, 2013

Hello everyone! First off, before I announce somethings, I just want to say sorry I've been neglecting this piece of my writer side. It's just been a crazy year, but that will be another blog post. Now for some news...

I. Hellponies will be going on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time, and before any new chapters are added, the first two will be revised and updated.

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Thanks for faving When I Say Goodbye!

Thanks for favoriting "Cat and Mouse," "Will to Survive," and "The Measure of a Dragon!" :pinkiehappy: It makes me really happy to know you support my work!

Thanks for adding Pack leader to your favorites. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you kindly for the fave mate!

  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147
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