• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2020


Goatmeal (previously "warlord487") is an editor, and is open to help YOU with your stories! (See user page for details.) TwiDash is his OTP. He is me.


So, I indirectly made it into the feature box... · 6:19am Feb 25th, 2014

Rolling with the Punches

That's something I guess.

Report Goatmeal · 420 views ·

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You heard right! Goatmeal is open to edit for you! At the reasonable price of $0.00 per thousand words (or $0.00 per ten-thousand. Yes, I accept PayPal.), I'll refine what I can out of pretty much any text you send me. Specifically, you can expect improvements in narration and dialogue smoothness, as well as scene immersion and character-appropriating.

Romance (My specialty- including emotion and relationship smoothing.)
Erotica (Not a specialty of mine, but I can help your scenes sound less corny.)
Any rating (Everyone, Teen, Mature)
Any story tag (Adventure, Sad, Alternate Universe, etc.)

Excessive gore/tragedy (By 'excessive', I really mean 'pointless'. If it contributes to the movement of the story, it's fine. Don't like gore for the sake of gore, a la Cupcakes. Same goes for non-gore dark aspects, like rape, slavery, etc.)

If you'd like something edited, send me a PM! If you prefer, I can also communicate via email, with which I'll see messages faster.

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15


Still impressed he actually did it...

~Skeeter The Lurker

1376819 Because you're awesome of course! You're everywhere on this site, lending a hand in groups, editing/pre-reading, offering constructive (and often humorous) feedback on countless stories, and much more. You're the kind of guy that is just nothing but helpful, and I've always respected you for that. As a matter of fact, I was under the impression I had followed you a long time ago, but then when Knighty did the ice bucket challenge and said you challenged him, I thought, "Wait, I never saw Skeeter do that!" And you know the rest.

Hi there, buddy! Thanks for joining my legion!

Might I ask why you decided to do so?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Thanks for the watch!

1278550 Well, I do have a story that I'm going to start writing probably tomorrow. If you could lend me your editing expertise, I'd really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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