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- Twilight is trying her best to prepare her friends for visiting dignitaries.darbselah · 1.1k words · 275 views
- A human is brought to Equestria and magically turned into a pony. His reason for being there is unknown to him, but in order to figure it out he must first get along with his new friends.darbselah · 5.3k words · 14 7 · 401 views
- Usually it's all the other ponies boosting and lifting up Fluttershy, but when Rainbow Dash isn't feeling quite herself how will Shutterfly do on the other end?darbselah · 16k words · 23 2 · 967 views
9 users follow darbselah
darbselah follows 20 users
1943233 Honestly because you seem to have commented on every story I read. Good insightful comments. So, I decided to check out some of your work as well. Read the first chapter of The Apple's Science and enjoyed it quite a bit!
Hello there and welcome to my legion, man!
Mind if I inquire why?
~Skeeter The Lurker
Thanks for the follow!
Cheers for the watch! :D
Thanks for the watch, you want me to read one of your stories?