• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Oh yeah, I used to write here, didn't I? · 11:04am Mar 25th, 2020

So yeah... it's been a while since I, y'know, put up a list of a bunch of stories I was gonna write, then... totally didn't.

Sorry about that.

While I still do enjoy a bit of pony, I've kind of... not gotten around to watching the last four seasons, to be honest. I do plan to, someday, but... there's a list, and honestly I've always kind of enjoyed the fanfiction worlds more than canon, and I never got around to actually writing, so... it just sort of petered out... years ago.

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Report Taranth · 588 views · Story: One of Those Days ·

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Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135

Thanks for the favourite on A Star Among Wizards!

Thanks for favouriting Flurry in Time! I hope you continue to enjoy it!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite on The Return of Sunset! Let me know what you liked about it! :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the favorite on Sunset in Azeroth!

Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!

  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135
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