• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

Latest Published Work

Axtara - Magic and Mischief

Axtara returns in this stunning sequel to the best-selling Axtara - Banking and Finance!

Meet Axtara, a young dragoness who set out for a kingdom at the edge of the world with the dream of opening her own bank. She's faced many challenges in pursuit of that dream: Gaining acceptance from the locals, befriending a princess, explaining loans, and even facing mortal peril alongside a dangerous financial conspiracy. But now? Things have finally come together, and both Elnacier and Axtara's bank are starting to thrive.

But success always invites new challenge. Suspicious withdrawals are beginning to plague Axtara's bank, alongside rumors of strange newcomers to the kingdom. And just as Axtara begins her own investigation into the matter, a chance encounter with a powerful Ancient magic turns her world on its head.

Now trapped in an unfamiliar form, it's going to take every talent Axtara has to get the bottom of things in Elnacier. And as Axtara has learned, change isn't easy. Especially when the one changed is you.



Let’s Talk News! · 6:38pm 6 hours ago

A mystery link that really isn't that mysterious if you've been here a while.
Hey folks! Max here with some updates on how things are going and what’s coming down the pipe! Naturally, we’re going to talk about first the news item that’s foremost on everyone’s mind, so lets discuss the Axtara – Magic and Mischief paperback!

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Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 187 - 196 of 196

Sorry to ask, maybe you already said somewhere in the blog, but is "The Dusk Saga" ended with Hunter/Hunted?

I just saw the most recent news.

For whatever it might be worth… I’m sorry.

Take as long as you need. And if you need a place to scream, you know where to go. The door is open.

Just thought it worth saying here... Max, I really enjoy reading your stories. :twilightsmile:
While your original fiction is among my all time favorites (especially your current trilogy!) I have enjoyed every moment of reading your fanfiction here. :raritywink:
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! :pinkiehappy:

bold statement claiming that you’re all of reality :p

The best places are A) the social spaces you hang out at in the real world and B) online social places that allow it, such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit/forums (check the rules) or other locations where people will be conversing about books.

would you happen to know a place to plug indie author books?

Happy new year. May 2020 be a memory filled one.

  • Viewing 187 - 196 of 196
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