• Member Since 4th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2019


Guess where my avatar is from, win a prize. (The prize is nothing)


I'm a mid twenties male, mechanical engineer, and an avid media sponge. I read a lot, both here and general fiction, and watch a lot of movies. Ask me my opinion on anything, and I'll give it - if you need a suggestion of something to read or watch, I can probably help you out.

Politically, I'm socially left (except where I'm right) and fiscally right (except where I'm left).

Artistically, I prefer written works over musical, musical over performance, and performance over static.

Spiritually, I preach agnosticism in general and Spinozism in particular, and I encourage anyone to try to change my mind. What I am firm on, is that the foremost spiritual need of all people is to seek to improve themselves; you can always be better than you are.

Anyone ever come through my city (Edmonton AB, pictured all pretty like up above), give me a shout and I'll buy you a beer. It's always a good time for a Guinness.


Gordon Lightfoot - Canadian Railroad Trilogy · 5:36am Nov 19th, 2014

Just did a report/presentation on the construction of the CPR for my civil engineering program - I've been listening to this for days. This is really one of those truly great Canadian songs.

Report Vidatu · 391 views ·
Comments ( 28 )
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Thank you for keeping the Cakes company in their big, lonely house, Vid. I know I appreciate you giving a Fave to my story Empty Nest, and so do they.:pinkiesmile:

Hey, Vid! Thanks for the Fave of Variables. I'm glad that you could enjoy it... despite it being about Spike talking to a rock!:twilightsmile:

Here's to twenty followers and many more!

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