• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2015


EqD pre-reader and guy who does interviews

Comments ( 43 )
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You know I'm curious - what were your final thoughts on Pirene?

you think you might be able to help my story? like edit?


ECCE!!:pinkiegasp: EqD pre reader:heart:

Don't think I ever thanked you for the faves on the TD stories. So, thank you very much for the faves and watch. :twilightsmile:

Howdy there! Thank you very, very much both for adding The Monster of Cane's Hill to your favourites and for following me! I'm glad you think I deserve it, and I'll do my best to keep deserving it.

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Interview: Dafaddah's Alone · 6:35pm Jan 22nd, 2014

Despite the dark tag, Alone is a story about love and family. We see the love between Twilight and Celestia, between Twilight and her brother, and between Spike and Twilight's parents. We also see the love of the changeling queen for her brood. Even weird bug things will do anything for their family! So despite the darkness and death, in the end this was a heartwarming story that reaffirms the values we’ve come to expect from a show like Friendship is Magic.

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