• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 8th, 2015



Update · 6:46am Dec 11th, 2013

Now that that's out of the way: Yes, I am still alive, yes, I am still writing, yes, Fragment will be updated.

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If it helps, I don't know either.

Followed, because... I don't know, really. Huh.

I don't take things too seriously when I get into arguments or debates. In the end, we all learn something, whether it be good or bad, so there is no need to get heated over it.

I apologize if that is what happened. Truth be told, I know next to nothing about American history. And it is rather sad how little I know. I could talk to you for ages on European history, but I know nothing about the country I live in. I am actually in APUSH right now, and I am learning a substantial amount about our history. It is rather interesting, but I am still stuck in the mid-1800s.

Of course, my pride was too much to admit I know nothing. I am not ignorant, believe it or not. I don't choose to not know anything. I just never learned it. I mean, I have had classes over it, but the material was so substantially small and unimportant that I find myself wondering what the point of having a lackluster history class is. Then, I finally started to take this AP course, and things are going rather well.

Anyway, as I said, I apologize for any heated emotions that I may have caused. I still am firm on my points (not to put your arguments down, but I just didn't see something that proved anything. Of course, you said the same thing, so I suppose our personalities clash on this subject anyway), but I will most certainly give some research into some of these past monopolies and such. You have piqued my interest in such subjects, so I think I will educate myself on them.

Don't let me ruin your night. Have a good one, man.

I guess that makes you better-natured about it than me.

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